• Overview



Creates a UrlTree relative to an ActivatedRouteSnapshot.


    function createUrlTreeFromSnapshot(  relativeTo: ActivatedRouteSnapshot,  commands: any[],  queryParams?: Params | null,  fragment?: string | null): UrlTree;


Creates a UrlTree relative to an ActivatedRouteSnapshot.


The ActivatedRouteSnapshot to apply the commands to


An array of URL fragments with which to construct the new URL tree. If the path is static, can be the literal URL string. For a dynamic path, pass an array of path segments, followed by the parameters for each segment. The fragments are applied to the one provided in the relativeTo parameter.

@paramqueryParamsParams | null

The query parameters for the UrlTree. null if the UrlTree does not have any query parameters.

@paramfragmentstring | null

The fragment for the UrlTree. null if the UrlTree does not have a fragment.


Usage Notes

// create /team/33/user/11createUrlTreeFromSnapshot(snapshot, ['/team', 33, 'user', 11]);// create /team/33;expand=true/user/11createUrlTreeFromSnapshot(snapshot, ['/team', 33, {expand: true}, 'user', 11]);// you can collapse static segments like this (this works only with the first passed-in value):createUrlTreeFromSnapshot(snapshot, ['/team/33/user', userId]);// If the first segment can contain slashes, and you do not want the router to split it,// you can do the following:createUrlTreeFromSnapshot(snapshot, [{segmentPath: '/one/two'}]);// create /team/33/(user/11//right:chat)createUrlTreeFromSnapshot(snapshot, ['/team', 33, {outlets: {primary: 'user/11', right:'chat'}}], null, null);// remove the right secondary nodecreateUrlTreeFromSnapshot(snapshot, ['/team', 33, {outlets: {primary: 'user/11', right: null}}]);// For the examples below, assume the current URL is for the `/team/33/user/11` and the`ActivatedRouteSnapshot` points to `user/11`:// navigate to /team/33/user/11/detailscreateUrlTreeFromSnapshot(snapshot, ['details']);// navigate to /team/33/user/22createUrlTreeFromSnapshot(snapshot, ['../22']);// navigate to /team/44/user/22createUrlTreeFromSnapshot(snapshot, ['../../team/44/user/22']);
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