When applied to an element in a template, makes that element a link that initiates navigation to a route. Navigation opens one or more routed components in one or more <router-outlet> locations on the page.
class RouterLink implements OnChanges ,OnDestroy { href: string | null; @Input() target?: string | undefined; @Input() queryParams?: Params | null | undefined; @Input() fragment?: string | undefined; @Input() queryParamsHandling?: QueryParamsHandling | null | undefined; @Input() state?: { [k: string]: any; } | undefined; @Input() info?: unknown; @Input() relativeTo?: ActivatedRoute | null | undefined; @Input() preserveFragment: boolean; @Input() skipLocationChange: boolean; @Input() replaceUrl: boolean; @Input() set routerLink(value: string | any[] | UrlTree | null | undefined); onClick(button: number, ctrlKey: boolean, shiftKey: boolean, altKey: boolean, metaKey: boolean): boolean; readonly urlTree: UrlTree | null;}