In-depth Guides

Advanced component configuration

Tip: This guide assumes you've already read the Essentials Guide. Read that first if you're new to Angular.


The @Component decorator accepts a changeDetection option that controls the component's change detection mode. There are two change detection mode options.

ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default is, unsurprisingly, the default strategy. In this mode, Angular checks whether the component's DOM needs an update whenever any activity may have occurred application-wide. Activities that trigger this checking include user interaction, network response, timers, and more.

ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush is an optional mode that reduces the amount of checking Angular needs to perform. In this mode, the framework only checks if a component's DOM needs an update when:

  • A component input has changes as a result of a binding in a template, or
  • An event listener in this component runs
  • The component is explicitly marked for check, via ChangeDetectorRef.markForCheck or something which wraps it, like AsyncPipe.

Additionally, when an OnPush component is checked, Angular also checks all of its ancestor components, traversing upwards through the application tree.


By default, Angular removes and collapses superfluous whitespace in templates, most commonly from newlines and indentation. You can change this setting by explicitly setting preserveWhitespaces to true in a component's metadata.

Custom element schemas

By default, Angular throws an error when it encounters an unknown HTML element. You can disable this behavior for a component by including CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA in the schemas property in your component metadata.

import {Component, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA} from '@angular/core';@Component({  ...,  schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA],  template: '<some-unknown-component></some-unknown-component>'})export class ComponentWithCustomElements { }

Angular does not support any other schemas at this time.