• Overview



Allows injecting dependencies in beforeEach() and it(). Note: this function (imported from the @angular/core/testing package) can only be used to inject dependencies in tests. To inject dependencies in your application code, use the inject function from the @angular/core package instead.


    function inject(  tokens: any[],  fn: Function): () => any;


() => any

Allows injecting dependencies in beforeEach() and it(). Note: this function (imported from the @angular/core/testing package) can only be used to inject dependencies in tests. To inject dependencies in your application code, use the inject function from the @angular/core package instead.


beforeEach(inject([Dependency, AClass], (dep, object) => {  // some code that uses `dep` and `object`  // ...}));it('...', inject([AClass], (object) => {  object.doSomething();  expect(...);})
@returns() => any


Allows injecting dependencies in beforeEach() and it(). Note: this function (imported from the @angular/core/testing package) can only be used to inject dependencies in tests. To inject dependencies in your application code, use the inject function from the @angular/core package instead.


beforeEach(inject([Dependency, AClass], (dep, object) => {  // some code that uses `dep` and `object`  // ...}));it('...', inject([AClass], (object) => {  object.doSomething();  expect(...);})
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