• Overview



Configures server-side rendering for an Angular application.


    function provideServerRendering(  ...features: ServerRenderingFeature<ServerRenderingFeatureKind>[]): EnvironmentProviders;


Configures server-side rendering for an Angular application.

This function sets up the necessary providers for server-side rendering, including support for server routes and app shell. It combines features configured using withRoutes and withAppShell to provide a comprehensive server-side rendering setup.

  • Optional features to configure additional server rendering behaviors.


Configures server-side rendering for an Angular application.

This function sets up the necessary providers for server-side rendering, including support for server routes and app shell. It combines features configured using withRoutes and withAppShell to provide a comprehensive server-side rendering setup.

Usage Notes

Basic example of how you can enable server-side rendering in your application when using the bootstrapApplication function:

import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser';import { provideServerRendering, withRoutes, withAppShell } from '@angular/ssr';import { AppComponent } from './app/app.component';import { SERVER_ROUTES } from './app/app.server.routes';import { AppShellComponent } from './app/app-shell.component';bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {  providers: [     provideServerRendering(        withRoutes(SERVER_ROUTES),        withAppShell(AppShellComponent)     )  ]});
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