In-depth Guides

Function-based outputs

The output() function declares an output in a directive or component. Outputs allow you to emit values to parent components.

import {Component, output} from '@angular/core';@Component({...})export class MyComp {  nameChange = output<string>()    // OutputEmitterRef<string>  setNewName(newName: string) {    this.nameChange.emit(newName);  }}

An output is automatically recognized by Angular whenever you use the output function as an initializer of a class member. Parent components can listen to outputs in templates by using the event binding syntax.

<my-comp (nameChange)="showNewName($event)" />

Aliasing an output

Angular uses the class member name as the name of the output. You can alias outputs to change their public name to be different.

class MyComp {  nameChange = output({alias: 'ngxNameChange'});}

This allows users to bind to your output using (ngxNameChange), while inside your component you can access the output emitter using this.nameChange.

Subscribing programmatically

Consumers may create your component dynamically with a reference to a ComponentRef. In those cases, parents can subscribe to outputs by directly accessing the property of type OutputRef.

const myComp = viewContainerRef.createComponent(...);myComp.instance.nameChange.subscribe(newName => {  console.log(newName);});

Angular will automatically clean up the subscription when myComp is destroyed. Alternatively, an object with a function to explicitly unsubscribe earlier is returned.

Using RxJS observables as source

In some cases, you may want to emit output values based on RxJS observables. Angular provides a way to use RxJS observables as source for outputs.

The outputFromObservable function is a compiler primitive, similar to the output() function, and declares outputs that are driven by RxJS observables.

import {Directive} from '@angular/core';import {outputFromObservable} from '@angular/core/rxjs-interop';@Directive(...)class MyDir {  nameChange$ = this.dataService.get(); // Observable<Data>  nameChange = outputFromObservable(this.nameChange$);}

Angular will forward subscriptions to the observable, but will stop forwarding values when the owning directive is destroyed. In the example above, if MyDir is destroyed, nameChange will no longer emit values.

HELPFUL: Most of the time, using output() is sufficient and you can emit values imperatively.

Converting an output to an observable

You can subscribe to outputs by calling .subscribe method on OutputRef. In other cases, Angular provides a helper function that converts an OutputRef to an observable.

import {outputToObservable} from '@angular/core/rxjs-interop';@Component(...)class MyComp {  nameChange = output<string>();}// Instance reference to `MyComp`.const myComp: MyComp;outputToObservable(this.myComp.instance.nameChange) // Observable<string>  .pipe(...)  .subscribe(...);

Why you should use output() over decorator-based @Output()?

The output() function provides numerous benefits over decorator-based @Output and EventEmitter:

  1. Simpler mental model and API:
    • No concept of error channel, completion channels, or other APIs from RxJS.
    • Outputs are simple emitters. You can emit values using the .emit function.
  2. More accurate types.
    OutputEmitterRef.emit(value) is now correctly typed, while EventEmitter has broken types and can cause runtime errors.