Extended Diagnostics

Signals must be invoked in template interpolations.

This diagnostic detects uninvoked signals in template interpolations.

import {Component, signal, Signal} from '@angular/core';@Component({  template: `<div>{{ mySignal }}/div>`,})class MyComponent {    mySignal: Signal<number> = signal(0);}

What's wrong with that?

Angular Signals are zero-argument functions (() => T). When executed, they return the current value of the signal. This means they are meant to be invoked when used in template interpolations to render their value.

What should I do instead?

Ensure to invoke the signal when you use it within a template interpolation to render its value.

import {Component, signal, Signal} from '@angular/core';@Component({  template: `<div>{{ mySignal() }}/div>`,})class MyComponent {  mySignal: Signal<number> = signal(0)}

Configuration requirements

strictTemplates must be enabled for any extended diagnostic to emit. interpolatedSignalNotInvoked has no additional requirements beyond strictTemplates.

What if I can't avoid this?

This diagnostic can be disabled by editing the project's tsconfig.json file:

{  "angularCompilerOptions": {    "extendedDiagnostics": {      "checks": {        "interpolatedSignalNotInvoked": "suppress"      }    }  }}

See extended diagnostic configuration for more info.