Extended Diagnostics

ngSkipHydration should be a static attribute

ngSkipHydration is a special attribute which indicates to Angular that a particular component should be opted-out of hydration. This diagnostic ensures that this attribute ngSkipHydration is set statically and the value is either set to "true" or an empty value.

import {Component} from '@angular/core';@Component({  template: `<user-viewer ngSkipHydration="hasUser" />`,})class MyComponent {  hasUser = true;}

What's wrong with that?

As a special attribute implemented by Angular, ngSkipHydration needs to be statically analyzable so Angular knows at compile-time whether or not hydration is needed for a component.

What should I do instead?

When using the ngSkipHydration, ensure that it's set as a static attribute (i.e. you do not use the Angular template binding syntax).

import {Component} from '@angular/core';@Component({  template: `    <user-viewer ngSkipHydration />    <user-viewer ngSkipHydration="true" />  `,})class MyComponent {}

If a conditional is necessary, you can wrap the component in an *ngIf.

import {Component} from '@angular/core';@Component({  template: `    <div *ngIf="hasUser; else noUser">      <user-viewer ngSkipHydration />    </div>    <ng-template #noUser>      <user-viewer />    </ng-template>  `,})class MyComponent {}

Configuration requirements

strictTemplates must be enabled for any extended diagnostic to emit. skipHydrationNotStatic has no additional requirements beyond strictTemplates.

What if I can't avoid this?

This diagnostic can be disabled by editing the project's tsconfig.json file:

{  "angularCompilerOptions": {    "extendedDiagnostics": {      "checks": {        "skipHydrationNotStatic": "suppress"      }    }  }}

See extended diagnostic configuration for more info.