In-depth Guides

Signal inputs

Signal inputs allow values to be bound from parent components. Those values are exposed using a Signal and can change during the lifecycle of your component.

Angular supports two variants of inputs:

Optional inputs Inputs are optional by default, unless you use input.required. You can specify an explicit initial value, or Angular will use undefined implicitly.

Required inputs Required inputs always have a value of the given input type. They are declared using the input.required function.

import {Component, input} from '@angular/core';@Component({...})export class MyComp {  // optional  firstName = input<string>();         // InputSignal<string|undefined>  age = input(0);                      // InputSignal<number>  // required  lastName = input.required<string>(); // InputSignal<string>}

An input is automatically recognized by Angular whenever you use the input or input.required functions as initializer of class members.

Aliasing an input

Angular uses the class member name as the name of the input. You can alias inputs to change their public name to be different.

class StudentDirective {  age = input(0, {alias: 'studentAge'});}

This allows users to bind to your input using [studentAge], while inside your component you can access the input values using this.age.

Using in templates

Signal inputs are read-only signals. As with signals declared via signal(), you access the current value of the input by calling the input signal.

<p>First name: {{firstName()}}</p><p>Last name: {{lastName()}}</p>

This access to the value is captured in reactive contexts and can notify active consumers, like Angular itself, whenever the input value changes.

An input signal in practice is a trivial extension of signals that you know from the signals guide.

export class InputSignal<T> extends Signal<T> { ... }`.

Deriving values

As with signals, you can derive values from inputs using computed.

import {Component, input, computed} from '@angular/core';@Component({...})export class MyComp {  age = input(0);  // age multiplied by two.  ageMultiplied = computed(() => this.age() * 2);}

Computed signals memoize values. See more details in the dedicated section for computed.

Monitoring changes

With signal inputs, users can leverage the effect function. The function will execute whenever the input changes.

Consider the following example. The new value is printed to the console whenever the firstName input changes.

import {input, effect} from '@angular/core';class MyComp {  firstName = input.required<string>();  constructor() {    effect(() => {      console.log(this.firstName());    });  }}

The console.log function is invoked every time the firstName input changes. This will happen as soon as firstName is available, and for subsequent changes during the lifetime of MyComp.

Value transforms

You may want to coerce or parse input values without changing the meaning of the input. Transforms convert the raw value from parent templates to the expected input type. Transforms should be pure functions.

class MyComp {  disabled = input(false, {    transform: (value: boolean|string) => typeof value === 'string' ? value === '' : value,  });}

In the example above, you are declaring an input named disabled that is accepting values of type boolean and string. This is captured by the explicit parameter type of value in the transform option. These values are then parsed to a boolean with the transform, resulting in booleans.

That way, you are only dealing with boolean inside your component when calling this.disabled(), while users of your component can pass an empty string as a shorthand to mark your component as disabled.

<my-custom-comp disabled>

IMPORTANT: Do not use transforms if they change the meaning of the input, or if they are impure. Instead, use computed for transformations with different meaning, or an effect for impure code that should run whenever the input changes.

Why should we use signal inputs and not @Input()?

Signal inputs are a reactive alternative to decorator-based @Input().

In comparison to decorator-based @Input, signal inputs provide numerous benefits:

  1. Signal inputs are more type safe:
    • Required inputs do not require initial values, or tricks to tell TypeScript that an input always has a value.
    • Transforms are automatically checked to match the accepted input values.
  2. Signal inputs, when used in templates, will automatically mark OnPush components as dirty.
  3. Values can be easily derived whenever an input changes using computed.
  4. Easier and more local monitoring of inputs using effect instead of ngOnChanges or setters.